INGOs in China Survey – Invitation
Greetings from Prof. Anthony J. Spires at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Sociology and Centre for Social Innovation Studies. Today I am launching a survey of INGOs with activities in China and would like to invite your organization to participate. The survey’s goal is to shed light on the potential implications of China’s new INGO Law. As you may know, the law aims to regulate all foreign non-profit, non-governmental activities in mainland China and will take effect on January 1, 2017. (The Chinese original version of the law is online at: A bilingual (English-Chinese) translation of the law can be found at: The law applies to all non-mainland non-profits, including those from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other places. As the law’s Implementation Guidelines are still being developed, I hope that this survey can help facilitate a more informed and constructive dialog between policymakers and affected organizations. The survey asks about: 1) your general organizational operations; 2) your China-related programming; and 3) your thoughts on China’s new INGO Law. Ideally, the respondent from each organization should be the Executive Director, Country Director, or someone in a similar position of leadership for your China work.
Please rest assured that all responses will be held in the strictest confidence. Results of the survey and any remarks made will not be attributed to you or your organization by name. Please submit only one completed survey per organization. Entities that are part of a larger group, such as an academic center at a university or a Hong Kong branch of a larger INGO, may complete the survey as if they were distinct organizations. While all questions are optional, a fully completed survey will allow for a more thorough understanding of the situation of INGOs in China.
By August 24, 2016, please visit to complete the survey. If you are interested in the survey results, I would be happy to send you an aggregated report after the analysis is completed.
Thank you for your willingness to participate in the survey. I hope that together we can promote informed discussion about the environment for INGOs in mainland China.
境外非政府組織問卷調查 問卷邀請函及說明
請貴組織的相關負責人于2016年8月24日之前,登錄以下網址 填寫問卷。如果貴組織對後續問卷調查結果感興趣,我們將在問卷分析工作完成後,與您分享總結報告。
Greetings from Prof. Anthony J. Spires at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Sociology and Centre for Social Innovation Studies. Today I am launching a survey of INGOs with activities in China and would like to invite your organization to participate. The survey’s goal is to shed light on the potential implications of China’s new INGO Law. As you may know, the law aims to regulate all foreign non-profit, non-governmental activities in mainland China and will take effect on January 1, 2017. (The Chinese original version of the law is online at: A bilingual (English-Chinese) translation of the law can be found at: The law applies to all non-mainland non-profits, including those from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other places. As the law’s Implementation Guidelines are still being developed, I hope that this survey can help facilitate a more informed and constructive dialog between policymakers and affected organizations. The survey asks about: 1) your general organizational operations; 2) your China-related programming; and 3) your thoughts on China’s new INGO Law. Ideally, the respondent from each organization should be the Executive Director, Country Director, or someone in a similar position of leadership for your China work.
Please rest assured that all responses will be held in the strictest confidence. Results of the survey and any remarks made will not be attributed to you or your organization by name. Please submit only one completed survey per organization. Entities that are part of a larger group, such as an academic center at a university or a Hong Kong branch of a larger INGO, may complete the survey as if they were distinct organizations. While all questions are optional, a fully completed survey will allow for a more thorough understanding of the situation of INGOs in China.
By August 24, 2016, please visit to complete the survey. If you are interested in the survey results, I would be happy to send you an aggregated report after the analysis is completed.
Thank you for your willingness to participate in the survey. I hope that together we can promote informed discussion about the environment for INGOs in mainland China.
境外非政府組織問卷調查 問卷邀請函及說明
請貴組織的相關負責人于2016年8月24日之前,登錄以下網址 填寫問卷。如果貴組織對後續問卷調查結果感興趣,我們將在問卷分析工作完成後,與您分享總結報告。